Chocolate Pudding that you will love

This pudding really is a wholesome dessert.  

When is the last time you had chocolate pudding? Do it!

chocolate pudding


  • 2 1/2 cups whole milk  (use more cream if you don't have whole milk)

  • 1/2 cups cream (you can just use 3 c. whole milk if you don't have cream)

  • 3/4 cups sugar

  • 3 Tablespoons arrowroot powder or cornstarch

  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder

  • 1/8 tsp. salt

  • 4 egg yolks

  • 4 ounces chocolate.  I use 70% baking chocolate

  • 1 1/2 tsp. real vanilla extract.

  • 1 T. butter


  1. Scald milk and cream. To do that, rinse out a medium saucepan (keeps it from burning/sticking so much) and fill with milk/cream. Heat until it shudders (just before boiling). Watch it, if it boils, you're gonna have a mess.

  2. While you're keeping an eye on that, mix up the sugar, arrowroot, cocoa powder and salt in a large, heat-proof container (because you're going to be pouring all that hot milk in there soon).  Add 1/2 cup of that milk you have on the stove to make a paste. Add the egg yolks and whisk up. (I use a 4-cup pyrex jug.)

  3. Now weigh out your chocolate.  Have it broken up into smaller chunks to hasten melting.   1-2 inch square sizes will do.

  4. Add the scaled milk to the sugar-egg mixture. Get another clean saucepan and rinse it (or wash your other pan).  Pour the whole mixture back into that clean, wet pan and put it back on medium-high heat. Stir continualy while it thickens. Should take just a few minutes.

  5. To the thickened pudding, add the chocolate pieces and butter. Once the chocolate melts, add the vanilla and take it off the heat. You don't want too much of that vanilla goodness to evaporate away by adding it too soon.

  6. Now eat! It's wonderful alone, or with unsweetened whipped cream.  You can dish it up in fancy dishes and chill until dessert time, or just put it all in a bowl in the fridge and dip into it whenever you need a good chocolate fix.

Pro tip: Use your egg whites to make some macaroons!!!  These are a great gluten-free, high-protein, and low-sugar(ish) treat. Here's the recipe I like from Cynthia Lair for chocolate covered coconut macaroons.

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I help people “hack” their blood sugar and improve their health, but not at the expensive of tasty food.


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